Friday 10 August 2012

A sample Automation Framework using SOAP UI

Test Configuration Files:Test configuration files  are used to set the configuration for the following:

3rd party API’s:
JavaExcel:JExcel an opensource 3rd party API is used  along with groovy to provide datasource to SOAPUI for Data Driven Testing, as the open-source version of SOAPUI doesn’t have any inbuilt feature to perform Data Driven Testing.

Groovy.Jar: Groovy is used as a scripting language to create automation framework Groovy .jar is added to SOAPUI to Lib folder of the tool.

Test Runner:Test Runner.bat gets called each time when a test case is executed in Soap UI.


SoapUI Project / script file:SoapUI project is a collection of Test Suites which contains Test cases .A test case a   :
1. Groovy script to input the request
2. SOAP Request:Soap request with input parameters configured.
3. Assertions :Using Xpath assertions to validate data at each node
4.Groovy Script to generate the Report or update the result flag in Test properties.

Sunday 18 March 2012

SOAP UI Discussions: Extending SoapUI to deal with different Authentica...

SOAP UI Discussions: Extending SoapUI to deal with different Authentica...: Extending SoapUI to deal with different Authentications: Nowdays services are protected via different authentications and just sneding re...

Extending SoapUI to deal with different Authentications:

Extending SoapUI to deal with different Authentications:

Nowdays services are protected via different authentications and just sneding request to the server which has authentication doesn't give you the expected response whats he the solution?
Identify the Authenticatication type from logs or error message.
If it's SSL,NTLMV1 then add the details to Auth functionality or to the header.
If It's NTLMV2 than you need to switch to proxy suites to overcome this. as Soap UI Pro or SoapUI doesnt Support these authntications Ex: Use Burp suite.